====Icon==== Photivo needs a new icon. This is your chance as a designer to help an open source project without coding. :-D ==Current design== As you see the current one should resemble the mode dial on modern cameras, since Photivo aims to give you as much control over your image as your camera does. Furthermore many other photo apps build their icons on the aperture or the lens, which is pretty boring with time ;-) The font used (mm stenxil) is made by me, you can find it [[http://www.mm-log.com/mm_stenxil |here]]. ==Design goals== For basic makeovers the current theme should stay. I would also appreciate the use of mm stenxil for "photivo". However, new creative ideas (i.e. not similar to those of other photo apps) are also very welcome. Versions matching different designs like [[http://tiheum.deviantart.com/art/Faenza-Icons-173323228|Faenza]], [[http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines|Tango]] or others would be perfect. ==Reward== Since Photivo is just a hobby project, there is no material prize available. Of course you will get a big thank you and be mentioned on this website. ==Update== First results and the current discussion is active on [[http://www.flickr.com/groups/photivo/discuss/72157626274623202/|flickr]] ===Result=== In the discussion the work of Naveed got the most direct votes and since it was also a pleasure to work with him we finally chose his icon. So big thanks to **Naveed Ahmed** for our new icon. (look top left ;-) ) Nevertheless, there were several people very involved and patient with our wishes. Namely (alphabetical order) Martijn Evertse, Andreas Haueise and Peileppe. Thank you all very much. I hope we can offer the alternate versions for download soon. You can find the icon of Peileppe at his [[http://peileppe.deviantart.com/art/Photivo-Logo-201406982|deviantART]] page.