In contract to the Lab Eyecandy tab this one works in RGB color space.
The Black and White tool is the most versatile filter available to convert images from colour to greyscale.
Opacity controls how much colour is removed. 0,0 means the tool is disabled, 1,0 removes all colour and produces a pure greyscale image.
The large Mode combobox sets the type of b/w conversion Photivo uses. The modes are modelled after analogue b/w films. But don’t trust them too much. Just try what looks best for your image.
The smaller Colour Filter combobox emulates colour filters. The different colour option works just like the appropriately coloured filter you would put in front of your camera’s lens.
The Red, Green and Blue sliders represent the three RGB channels. They configure the Channelmixer only and have no effect on all other modes.
This filter can be used to tone (or duo tone since there are two instances) the image. Internally a layer with the chosen color is put over the current image. For fine tuning you can set a luminance mask to control the intensity.
The Gradual blur is a filter for imitating blur effects you usually get with special lenses. Please keep in mind, it is only a fake effect. You will not get an identical result as with the actual lens.
The main strength of the filter’s effect is controlled by Radius, i.e. the pixel radius of the blur. Higher values blur more strongly and 0 disables the filter altogether.
The Mode combobox sets the general shape for the blur and allows to preview the mask used for the blur. For best effects control the mask to not quite reach pure white with the Lowel Level and Upper Level sliders.
Linear gives a one-directional blur which is controlled by Angle. The controls work like those for the gradual overlay. Two horizontal linear blurs (one rotated 180 degrees) may create a toy effect (also called “miniature faking”).
The Round mode uses a radial blur, its general shape controlled by Shape. It works similar to the Vignette filter, Lower level and Upper level correspond to the respective radius.
A Shape of 1 gives you a rectangle with hard edges, 2 is a circle, 3 and above rectangles with rounded corners. Roundness squashes the shape vertically (positive values) or horizontally (negative values). That means, if you want a real circular blur use a Shape of 2 and a Roundness of 0. With the Center X and Center Y sliders you move the center of the blur. The default (0.00 for both) represents the image’s center. The Round blur may also simulate the blur towards the image borders of older high aperture lenses which are usually soft outside the center.