Unlike many other photo applications Photivo is more of an image processor than an image editor. It works a bit differently than you might be used to.
This video takes you on a tour of the important parts of Photivo's interface and shows you the general image processing workflow.
Related wiki articles: Using Photivo, Mouse and Keyboard, Photivo’s workflow
It's been requested multiple times, we dropped a hint here and there and now it's finally almost finished: Photivo has a new tool for local edits (still experimental). In this episode we take a lot at what it can do.
If you find it interesting download the experimental Windows version and discuss on flickr. If you want to compile yourself check out the “spotrepair” branch from the Google Code repository.
Local Spot Adjust was renamed to Spot Tuning and has been part of the regular Photivo release for a while now. There were some minor changes to the way it works, but overall this Photivocast episode is still perfectly accurate.
Related wiki articles: Local Adjust